Gulu University2023-11-272023-11-272019-05-16Gulu University, (2019). Gulu University Community Engagement Policy.GU/P/001-2019 PolicyGulu University's (GU) existence is epitomized in its obligation to champion community transformation in all spheres of life through functional engagement with society while at the same time influencing policy. In order to achieve this obligation, it is incumbent upon the University to design a well-defined, structured and coordinated policy to engage with the community development interests. Therefore, GU has developed a University Community engagement policy document to guide its stakeholders by articulating desired standards and principles of engagement that facilitate meaningful and mutual partnerships in the quest for community transformation. This document comprises a deliberate institutional policy guide, inform and standardize, as far as possible, how GU would wish to engage with communities with reasonable degree of uniformity and consistency.enGulu University PolicyCouncil Approved PolicyCommunity EngagementGulu University Community Engagement PolicyBook