Gulu University, Library and Information Services2023-11-172023-11-172023-04-23Gulu University Intellectual Property Management Policy, 2022. University Intellectual Property Management Policy, 2022.Gulu University recognizes the importance of Intellectual Property to improve its legal visibility as well as the need to become a major Higher Education Institution in Uganda and the region. The University recognizes the need to commercialize products from research and innovation. This Intellectual Property Management Policy will contribute immensely to the realization of Gulu University Vision. The guidelines cover Intellectual Property administration and management, ownership, identification and protection, commercialization and benefits sharing. This shall ensure the implementation of the Gulu University Intellectual Property Management Policy and enhance sustainable creativity and innovativeness. We are grateful for the support of Building Stronger University (BSU) Project for all the support provided to ensure the policy is in place. I thank the Editorial Team comprising Mr. Oballim Christopher as the Chairman, and the following members for the effort and dedication to ensure the policy is in place; Prof. Okello-Owiny David, Prof. Mugasha Agasha, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Komakech, Dr. Ongaya Kizito, Dr. Agatha Alidri, Sr. Rosalba ACIRO, Mr. Asaf Adebua, Mr. Omara moses, Mr. Walter Okot, Mr. Walter Yagos, Mr. Charles Mark BAZIBU, Ms Betty Alanyo and Ms Christine Asao. On behalf of Gulu University Senate and Council, I am pleased to present the Intellectual Property Management Policy for implementation. Prof. George Ladaah Openjuru Vice ChancellorenGulu University PolicyCouncil Approved PolicyIntellectual Property Management PolicyGULU UNIVERSITY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT POLICYPreprint