The Role of the University as Mediator in a Skills Ecosystem Approach to VET

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Introduction In this chapter, we focus particularly on the mediating role of the university, in close connection with vocational institutions and informal community actors, in developing an inclusive approach to vocational education and training (VET) through an expanded social ecosystem for skills model. Here we draw upon lessons learnt from the Alice and Gulu cases on community-based approaches to establishing an expanded skills ecosystem approach to VET in Africa. The main question guiding this chapter relates to the possible mediating role of the university to enhance a regional expanded ecosystem for supporting quality vocational education that is also relevant to its context, including emergent possibilities to build skills and livelihoods linked to just transitions.




Vocational education and training (VET), Development universities, Community-based learning, skills ecosystems, Mediation


The Role of the University as Mediator in a Skills Ecosystem Approach to VET. In: Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective