Application of biochar for the removal of actinides and lanthanides from aqueous solutions.


Actinides and lanthanides are elements with unfilled f orbitals and are collectively labeled as the inner transition elements (ITEs). The actinide series includes 15 radioactive metallic ele ments with atomic numbers 89–103 (Cooper, 2000). The actinide elements are classified as light (Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am) or heavy (Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr) based on their atomic numbers. The actinides fill their 5f sublevels progressively and exhibit char acteristics of both the d-block and the f-block elements. Elements of the actinide series can have oxidation states from +2 to plus +7. In addition to being radioactive, all actinides are paramagnetic and pyrophoric. Except for actinium with one oxidation state of +3, the other actinides are known to show variable oxidation states and more than one crystalline phase. To date, only the first four elements in the actinide series have been found to occur naturally.




Biochar, Waste water treatment, Water treatment


Bursztyn F. A. L., Arwenyo, B. Nanney, A. L.M., Ramirez, A., Jamison, H. Venson, B., Mohan, D., Mlsna, T.E. and Navarathna, C. (2022). Application of biochar for the removal of actinides and lanthanides from aqueous solutions. In: Sustainable Biochar for Water and Wastewater Treatment (pp. 321-359). Elsevier.