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Gulu University


Gulu University is one of the leading public universities in Uganda that was founded in 2002 by a statutory instrument 31 of 2003. The university was found to serve as a lunch pad for equitable development in Uganda, providing knowledge and skills and stimulating innovations in education, economic advancement and social development. Particularly, the university’s mandate includes: a) The provision of higher education, promotion of research, innovation and advancement of training, b) Dissemination of knowledge and giving equal opportunity of acquiring higher education to all persons. Since the university’s establishment, a number of developments have taken place in its academic, research and innovation mandates. For instance, six faculties and two institutes have been opened. The enrolment is increasing as well as the growth in Graduate and research functions. However, ensuring quality and authenticity of research and innovation is critical to the university’s scholarly goals. The University commits to the mitigation of plagiarism in all its academic processes. This Policy on Plagiarism has been made following consultations and review of similar policies from regional and international practices. The Policy is meant to guarantee academic integrity, ethical scholarly practices, professionalism and honesty. The Policy outlines its general goal and objectives and all the implementation arrangements. I therefore have high hope that this Policy will improve the quality of academic, research and innovation in the University. I encourage all members of academic staff and supervisors to refer their students to this Policy. We are grateful for the support of Building Stronger University (BSU) Project for all the support provided to ensure the policy is in place. I thank the Editorial Team comprising Mr. Oballim Christopher as the Chairman, and the following members for the effort and dedication to ensure the policy is in place; Prof. Okello-Owiny David, Prof. Mugasha Agasha, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Komakech, Dr. Ongaya Kizito, Dr. Agatha Alidri, Sr. Rosalba ACIRO, Mr. Asaf Adebua, Mr. Omara moses, Mr. Walter Okot, Mr. Walter Yagos, Mr. Charles Mark BAZIBU, Ms Betty Alanyo and Ms Christine Asao. On behalf of Gulu University Senate and Council, I am pleased to present the Intellectual Property Management Policy for implementation. Prof. George Ladaah Openjuru Vice Chancellor


Approved Gulu University Policy


Plagiarism, Gulu University Policy, Council Approved Policy


Gulu University Policy on Plagiarism, 2022.
