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    Gulu University Human Resources Manual 2017
    (Gulu University, 2017) Gulu University
    The Human Resources Manual shall constitute the University's Terms and Conditions of Service for all categories of its employees. It shall complement and be read together with other University policies and regulations made thereunder, the Employment Act 2006, the Public Service Standing Orders, and all relevant laws of Uganda that may be in force as amended from time to time. In the event where any provision of this Manual may not be in conformity with the existing National Legislations of Uganda, the provisions of the National Legislation shall prevail.
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    Gulu University Community Engagement Policy
    (Gulu University, 2019-05-16) Gulu University
    Gulu University's (GU) existence is epitomized in its obligation to champion community transformation in all spheres of life through functional engagement with society while at the same time influencing policy. In order to achieve this obligation, it is incumbent upon the University to design a well-defined, structured and coordinated policy to engage with the community development interests. Therefore, GU has developed a University Community engagement policy document to guide its stakeholders by articulating desired standards and principles of engagement that facilitate meaningful and mutual partnerships in the quest for community transformation. This document comprises a deliberate institutional policy guide, inform and standardize, as far as possible, how GU would wish to engage with communities with reasonable degree of uniformity and consistency.
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    The Gulu University Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
    (Gulu University, 2021-08-31) Gulu University
    very dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. The dynamism and evolvement of culture may result in emerging social vices, including various forms of sexual harassment. At Gulu University, sexual harassment is believed to exist, but because victims may fear to report it has only been talked about parenthetically. Cognizant of its vision to be the leading academic institution for pro motion of community transformation and industrialisation for sustainable development, the University is committed to create a safe working and learning environment, free from depravities including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is seen as an infringement on fundamental human rights. In the context of higher institutions of learning it negates the tenets of a safe learning and working conditions, thus undermining a conducive environment for advancement of learning, generation of new knowledge as well as productive work.The University has therefore taken a deliberate effort to develop the Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy to provide a framework to detect, prevent and/or to address cases of sexual harassment as well as protect victims. With certainty, the university hopes this Policy and its guidelines will help improve work and learning conditions, workforce productivity, retention and morale of staff and students. As Gulu University, we are indebted to the UN Women and all the partners who financially contributed towards the production of this policy. In addition, to Makerere University Gender Mainstreaming Department, who worked together with Gulu University on this path, we owe you great appreciation and best wishes
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    (Gulu University, 2017-07-21) Gulu University, Academic Registrar
    The Gulu University Undergraduate Admissions Policy provides information on Admission requirement, selection procedures and registration processes for undergraduate Programmes at Gulu University.
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    (Gulu University, 2023-04-23) Gulu University, Library and Information Services
    Gulu University is one of the leading public universities in Uganda that was founded in 2002 by a statutory instrument 31 of 2003. The university was found to serve as a lunch pad for equitable development in Uganda, providing knowledge and skills and stimulating innovations in education, economic advancement and social development. Particularly, the university’s mandate includes: a) The provision of higher education, promotion of research, innovation and advancement of training, b) Dissemination of knowledge and giving equal opportunity of acquiring higher education to all persons. Since the university’s establishment, a number of developments have taken place in its academic, research and innovation mandates. For instance, six faculties and two institutes have been opened. The enrolment is increasing as well as the growth in Graduate and research functions. However, ensuring quality and authenticity of research and innovation is critical to the university’s scholarly goals. The University commits to the mitigation of plagiarism in all its academic processes. This Policy on Plagiarism has been made following consultations and review of similar policies from regional and international practices. The Policy is meant to guarantee academic integrity, ethical scholarly practices, professionalism and honesty. The Policy outlines its general goal and objectives and all the implementation arrangements. I therefore have high hope that this Policy will improve the quality of academic, research and innovation in the University. I encourage all members of academic staff and supervisors to refer their students to this Policy. We are grateful for the support of Building Stronger University (BSU) Project for all the support provided to ensure the policy is in place. I thank the Editorial Team comprising Mr. Oballim Christopher as the Chairman, and the following members for the effort and dedication to ensure the policy is in place; Prof. Okello-Owiny David, Prof. Mugasha Agasha, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Komakech, Dr. Ongaya Kizito, Dr. Agatha Alidri, Sr. Rosalba ACIRO, Mr. Asaf Adebua, Mr. Omara moses, Mr. Walter Okot, Mr. Walter Yagos, Mr. Charles Mark BAZIBU, Ms Betty Alanyo and Ms Christine Asao. On behalf of Gulu University Senate and Council, I am pleased to present the Intellectual Property Management Policy for implementation. Prof. George Ladaah Openjuru Vice Chancellor
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    (Gulu University, 2023-04-23) Gulu University, Library and Information Services
    The Institutional Repository policy has been designed to support the University’s’ role through the University Library provide scholarly information access from intellectual property and innovations emanating from its researchers, students, staff, partners and stakeholders. It is the much needed policy to improve the University online presence, visibility and therefore efforts towards online ranking. The GUIR is an online scholarly and research aggregator and not a publisher. The repository management takes the responsibility to check content format, author’s eligibility and adherence to set guidelines. Gulu University or the IR guarantees or warrants any statements contained within individual work held in the repository; nor accept any responsibility or liability for any possible mistakes contained therein. We are grateful for the support of Building Stronger University (BSU) Project for all the support provided to ensure the policy is in place. I thank the Editorial Team comprising Mr. Oballim Christopher as the Chairman, and the following members for the effort and dedication to ensure the policy is in place; Prof. Okello-Owiny David, Prof. Mugasha Agasha, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Komakech, Dr. Ongaya Kizito, Dr. Agatha Alidri, Sr. Rosalba ACIRO, Mr. Asaf Adebua, Mr. Omara moses, Mr. Walter Okot, Mr. Walter Yagos, Mr. Charles Mark BAZIBU, Ms Betty Alanyo and Ms Christine Asao. On behalf of Gulu University Senate and Council, I am pleased to present the Intellectual Property Management Policy for implementation. Prof. George Ladaah Openjuru VICE CHANCELLOR, GULU UNIVERSITY
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    (Gulu University, 2023-04-23) Gulu University, Library and Information Services
    Gulu University recognizes the importance of Intellectual Property to improve its legal visibility as well as the need to become a major Higher Education Institution in Uganda and the region. The University recognizes the need to commercialize products from research and innovation. This Intellectual Property Management Policy will contribute immensely to the realization of Gulu University Vision. The guidelines cover Intellectual Property administration and management, ownership, identification and protection, commercialization and benefits sharing. This shall ensure the implementation of the Gulu University Intellectual Property Management Policy and enhance sustainable creativity and innovativeness. We are grateful for the support of Building Stronger University (BSU) Project for all the support provided to ensure the policy is in place. I thank the Editorial Team comprising Mr. Oballim Christopher as the Chairman, and the following members for the effort and dedication to ensure the policy is in place; Prof. Okello-Owiny David, Prof. Mugasha Agasha, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Komakech, Dr. Ongaya Kizito, Dr. Agatha Alidri, Sr. Rosalba ACIRO, Mr. Asaf Adebua, Mr. Omara moses, Mr. Walter Okot, Mr. Walter Yagos, Mr. Charles Mark BAZIBU, Ms Betty Alanyo and Ms Christine Asao. On behalf of Gulu University Senate and Council, I am pleased to present the Intellectual Property Management Policy for implementation. Prof. George Ladaah Openjuru Vice Chancellor